Learning gets results
The amazing thing is that when teams prioritise learning to be on equal footing with action, they become more effective. That’s perhaps a little surprising, since learning takes time! However, teams that take the time to learn not only still get the job done, but get it done better.
Peer Action Learning sets are small teams of 6 to 8 members that work together to solve problems, and at the same time learn. They make entirely explicit their dual intention of planning action to solve problems and building personal and collective capability through learning. Consequently, each of their meetings provides time for members to plan action required to solve individual, team or organisational problems AND practice leadership skills and reflect on their real time growth.
Action Learning has credibility
Since its inception in the 1940’s, Action Learning has evolved and deepened considerably, and subsequently become a powerful approach to creating sustainable change that has been adopted right across the world. Many and varied published case studies now exist making plain the power of Peer Action Learning sets to provide breakthrough strategies to wicked problems, and enable personal and collective transformation. It is indeed a primary strategy to create a learning organisation.
The Change Company as Expert
The Change Company has developed considerable know how in facilitating Peer Action Learning sets to become instruments of change for individuals, team and organisations. Our Director Dr. Paul Donovan has published original research about the use of Peer Action Learning sets to create organisational change, presented that research to peak international Action Learning bodies, and applied his and others latest research to real organisational challenges.