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TasNetworks is responsible for the development and maintenance of Tasmania’s electricity transmission infrastructure, transmitting electricity from power stations in Tasmania and on mainland Australia (via Basslink) to its customers around the state. TasNetwork’s customers include electricity generators, electricity networks and major industrial customers.

Our Work

We started changing conversations with them in 2011

The Situation

The Head of the Strategy and Stakeholder Relations (SSR) group approached us about creating two key outcomes. First, she wanted to create a senior team that, together contributed to decision making for the whole group as opposed to only managing direct reports. Second, she had noticed that members of the group were often not aware of important work being done in other parts of the group, and the knowledge, skills and synergies across the team were not being used to their full potential. Her aim in approaching us was to improve customer outcomes and lift engagement and productivity across her whole group by building stronger connections between the teams within it.

Our Approach

The following broad plan of meetings was developed and facilitated.

The senior team met, and clarified a team purpose that included offering collective leadership to the whole group. The senior team met to learn about Action Learning, and draft a potential list of projects that small Action Learning Teams might address.  The whole group met to learn about Action Learning, review the potential list of projects and provide input on which should be the priority.  Expressions of interest were received for those who wanted to participant in an Action Learning Team.

Two Action Learning Teams were convened and facilitated, each to work on an agreed important and pressing organisational challenge.  These two teams met on a regular basis for about three months, which included three facilitated 2hr meetings.

At the completion of the project the two Action Learning Teams engaged in a facilitated meeting to review the project outcomes, reflect on and confirm their personal and collective learning and create a list of recommendations for future Action Learning Teams.

The Results

At the completion of the project, business outcomes were delivered in a way that also supported individual and team development. Both Action Learning Teams strongly recommended that further Action Learning Teams should be convened, and that this approach should be more widely adopted. We are pleased to report that the group’s engagement scores have strengthened considerably over the time that we have been working with them, and from their last organisational survey.

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